Asterisk, an advanced and complete company PBX in Software…
“”” | Quote… But don’t think old PBX: If you’re just looking for a standard PBX, so go & buy one. Asterisk is a platform for a new way of handling telephony, both in functionality and costs. It’s actually more of a revolution than technology.By supporting a mix of traditional and VoIP… telephony services, Asterisk allows deployers to build new communication (telephone) systems efficiently, or gradually migrate existing systems to new and more advanced technologies on Asterisk platform.””” |
Define: Asterisk PBX… |
PBX in Software.!. Documentation… ( Tutorials… ) Dimensioning your PBX… Use cases…
Demo video:Asterisk concept and demo video… |
Telephony geek Brian Aker’s demo… 2…
Asterisk on Ubuntu Linux… ( Installation on Debian Linux… )
All about Asterisk…
Asterisk on wireless WRT54G… OpenWRT part-1… part-2…
Asterisk@home (TrixBox) web interface… Telefreak’s Asterisk… PBX for everyone…
FreePBX Asterisk front-end…. Asterisk manager…
Asterisk LiveCDs (boot and rund from a CD)
LiveCD list…
GNU Telephony…
Voice over IP (VoIP)… (…) VoIP essentials… ||| e164 catalog…
Some good resources on IP-phone, ISDN…
SIP… SIP forum… What’s Gammu ?…
Gnop… Sec.VoIP… Ant telephony…
Linux Phone Standards (LiPS !)
LiPS forum…
Soft phones… ( Ekiga… KPhone… )
Wengo.!. Gizmo… Skype…
Norske saiter (Norwegian language sites)
Foredrag på norsk om VoIP standarder, protokoller og Asterisk… (lydmeldinger mm)