

#include  /* sleep() */

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>

/* EDIT: GTK is not needed.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>   
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>

#define _(x) x

	Created by Osmo Antero (moma) Maatta.

	Test various desktop operations in Metacity and Compiz window managers.
	The tests are:

	TEST1: Get number of desktops.

	TEST2: Get desktop names.

	TEST3: Get the current desktop number.

	TEST4: Move to the last desktop, sleep(2) and come back.

	TEST5: Get the desktop number for a spesific Window ID.
		   (Requires you to modify the code (TEST5) and chnage the window_id= to a correct value.
			Use xwininfo command to find out window-id for any window you like)

	EDIT: I removed gtk+-2.0. Only gdk-2.0 is needed.
	$ gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gdk-2.0` -lX11 -Wall desk-test.c -o desk-test

	$ ./desk-test

	You should run the tests in both Metacity (or in equivalent WM) and Compiz.

	Additional information.
	xwininfo and xprop tools are very helpful when finding information about window manager attributes (atoms) and windows. 
	Some examples:
	$ xwininfo  # point at a window an press left-mouse-button.
	$ xprop -root    # will report all atoms (values) for the root-window (in the window manager).

	$ xprop -root  | grep  "_NET_"

	$ xprop -id 0x2a029d5    # report values of spesific X window (use xwininfo first ;-)

	Fusion-icon is a handy tool to switch between Compiz and other window managers. Install it first.
	$ fusion-icon 

void free_string_list(GList **list)
	GList *item = *list;
	while (item)
		g_free((gchar*)	item->data);
		item = item->next;
	*list = NULL;

gboolean get_property_data_long(gchar *atom_name, glong **ret_data, gint *ret_length)
	GdkAtom actual_type;
	gint actual_format;

	GdkAtom gatom = gdk_atom_intern(atom_name, FALSE);

	if (gdk_property_get(gdk_get_default_root_window(), gatom, gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", FALSE), 0L, (0xFF), FALSE, 
		                  &actual_type, &actual_format, ret_length, (guchar**)ret_data))
		return TRUE;

	*ret_data = NULL;
	*ret_length = 0;

	return FALSE;

guint get_number_of_desktops_metacity()
	GdkAtom actual_type;
	gint actual_format;
	gint num_items;
	guchar *ret_data_ptr;

	GdkAtom atom_net_number_desktops = gdk_atom_intern("_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", FALSE);

	guint num = 0;
	if (gdk_property_get(gdk_get_default_root_window(), atom_net_number_desktops, gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", FALSE),  0L, 1L, FALSE, 
	                     &actual_type, &actual_format, &num_items, (guchar**)&ret_data_ptr))
		num = (int)*ret_data_ptr;

	return num;

guint get_number_of_desktops()
	/* Ask window manager its "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"  */
	guint num_desktops = get_number_of_desktops_metacity();

	/* But Compiz window manager sets "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS" always to 1. 
	   So I have to calculate num_desktops via wm's "_NET_WORKAREA" and "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY" values.

	   This is propably not right because VIEWPORT is not the same as DESKTOP.
	   What do you say?	

	if (num_desktops <= 1) { guint desktop_width = 1; guint desktop_total_width = 0; glong *data; gint data_len; /* An example: _NET_WORKAREA(CARDINAL) = 0, 25, 1680, 1000 (run "xprop -root" for more details ) */ if (get_property_data_long("_NET_WORKAREA", &data, &data_len)) { desktop_width = (int)data[2]; g_free(data); } /* An example: _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY(CARDINAL) = 8400, 1050 (run "xprop -root" for more details ) */ if (get_property_data_long("_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY", &data, &data_len)) { desktop_total_width = data[0]; g_free(data); } num_desktops = MAX(desktop_total_width / desktop_width, 1); } return num_desktops; } GList *get_desktop_names() { /* Return GList of desktop names */ GdkAtom actual_type; gint actual_format; gint num_items; guchar *ret_data_ptr = NULL; /* Number of desktops */ guint num_desktops = get_number_of_desktops(); GList *list = NULL; /* Ask the names */ GdkAtom atom_net_desktop_names = gdk_atom_intern("_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", FALSE); if (gdk_property_get(gdk_get_default_root_window(),atom_net_desktop_names, gdk_atom_intern("UTF8_STRING", FALSE), 0, 0xFFFFFF, FALSE, &actual_type, &actual_format, &num_items, &ret_data_ptr)) { if (num_items > 0)
			guchar *p = (guchar *)ret_data_ptr;
			list = g_list_append(list, g_strdup((gchar*)p));
			guint i;
			for (i = 0; i < MIN(num_items-1, num_desktops-1); i++)
				if (*(ret_data_ptr + i)	== '\0')	
					p = ret_data_ptr + i + 1;
					list = g_list_append(list, g_strdup((gchar*)p));

	/* Again, Compiz window manager will not give the workspaces (viewports) any names, 
	   so we'll set the names to string "Compiz desktop #".

	if (g_list_length(list) < num_desktops)
		guint i, len;
		len = g_list_length(list);
		for (i=len; i< num_desktops; i++) { list = g_list_append(list, g_strdup_printf(_("Compiz desktop %d"), i+1)); } } /* Notice: You should free the list (and list->data values) after usage */
	return list;

gint get_active_desktop()
	/* Get the current, active desktop.
	The returned value is zero-based: 0, 1, 2...
	GdkAtom actual_type;
	gint actual_format;
	gint num_items;
	guchar *ret_data_ptr = NULL;

	/* This works in Metacity */
	GdkAtom atom_net_current_desktop = gdk_atom_intern("_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", FALSE);

	gint num = -1;
	if (gdk_property_get(gdk_get_default_root_window(), atom_net_current_desktop, gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", FALSE),  0L, 1L, FALSE, 
		                 &actual_type, &actual_format, &num_items, (guchar**)&ret_data_ptr))
		num = *((int*)ret_data_ptr);

	/* This is for Compiz */
	if (num == 0)
		/* Compiz window manager wil always set the _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP to 0. So we have to calculate this by reading 

		   I may take wrong here because workarea or viewport is not the same as desktop??	

		guint desktop_width = 0;
		guint desktop_viewport = 0;

		glong *data;
		gint data_len;	

		/* An example: _NET_WORKAREA(CARDINAL) = 0, 25, 1680, 1000    (run "xprop -root" for more details )  */
		if (get_property_data_long("_NET_WORKAREA", &data, &data_len))
			desktop_width = (int)data[2];

		/* An example: _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT(CARDINAL) = 5040, 0    (run "xprop -root" for more details )  */
		if (get_property_data_long("_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT", &data, &data_len))
			desktop_viewport = (int)data[0];

		if (desktop_width > 0)
			num = desktop_viewport / desktop_width;

	return num;

void set_active_desktop(guint desktop_num)
	/* Set active desktop.
	   The desktop_num is zero-based: 0, 1, 2...

	   Sorry for the Xlib stuff, I'll try convert this to pure GDK later...

	if (desktop_num+1 > get_number_of_desktops()) return;

	Display *display = GDK_DISPLAY();
	Window root_win = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(gdk_get_default_root_window());

	Atom atom_net_current_desktop = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", False);
	XEvent xevent;
	xevent.type              = ClientMessage;
	xevent.xclient.type      = ClientMessage; 
	xevent.xclient.display   = display;
	xevent.xclient.window    = root_win;
	xevent.xclient.message_type = atom_net_current_desktop;
	xevent.xclient.format    = 32;[0] = desktop_num;[1] = CurrentTime;[2] = 0;[3] = 0;[4] = 0;
	XSendEvent(display, root_win, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xevent);


gint get_desktop_for_window(GdkWindow *window)
	/* Find desktop number for given window.

	GdkAtom actual_type;
	gint actual_format;
	gint num_items;
	guchar *ret_data_ptr;

	/* Works in Metacity but not in Compiz */
	GdkAtom atom_net_wm_desktop = gdk_atom_intern("_NET_WM_DESKTOP", FALSE);

	gint num = -1;
	if (gdk_property_get(window, atom_net_wm_desktop, gdk_atom_intern("CARDINAL", FALSE),  0L, 1L,FALSE, 
		                 &actual_type, &actual_format, &num_items, (guchar**)&ret_data_ptr))
		num = (int)*ret_data_ptr;

	return num;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	gdk_init(&argc, &argv);

	printf("TEST1: Get number of desktops.\n" );
	guint num_desktops = get_number_of_desktops();
	printf("Number of desktops is: %d\n", num_desktops);

	printf("TEST2: Get desktop names.\n");
	GList *list = get_desktop_names();
	printf("\tLength of the name list is: %d\n", g_list_length(list));
	GList *item = list;
	while (item)
		printf("\t%s\n", (gchar*)item->data);
		item = item->next;

	printf("TEST3: Get the current desktop number.\n");
	gint active_desktop = get_active_desktop();
	printf("\tCurrent desktop is: %d\n", active_desktop);

	printf("TEST4: Move to the last desktop, sleep(2) and come back.\n");
	printf("You should see the desktop move if this is right.\n");
	printf("My test shows that this works in Metacity but not in Compiz WM.\n");
	num_desktops = get_number_of_desktops();
	active_desktop = get_active_desktop();
	set_active_desktop(num_desktops - 1);

	printf("TEST5: Get the desktop number for a spesific Window ID.\n");
	printf("Run xwininfo command to find out a window-id (for any window you like) then change the variable window_id= in the code (in TEST5).\n");
	printf("Move your test window from workspace to workspace, rerun this program and check the reported desktop number.\n");	
	printf("My test shows that this works in Metacity but not in Compiz WM.\n");
	Window window_id;	

	window_id = 0;	

	if (window_id == 0L)
		printf("Modify the code in TEST5 and change the window_id= to something sensible\n");
		gint desktop_num = get_desktop_for_window(gdk_window_foreign_new(window_id));
		printf("Desktop number for X-window 0x%lx is: %d\n", window_id, desktop_num);

	return 0;

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